Tuesday, June 30, 2009

:: Nice FriendShip QuoteS ::

S0me of the nice 'friendship' quotes i want to share with u guyS............

" A stranger stabs u in the fr0nt, a friend stabs u in the back, a b0yfriend stabs u in the heart but Bestfriends only poke each other with straws"

"A friend is s0meone wh0 can see the truth and pain in y0u
even when u are f0oling everyone else"

"A friend is some0ne wh0 kn0ws the s0ngs of ur heart and
can sing them back t0 u when u have f0rgotten the wordS"

"If all my friend were to jump off a bridge, I would n0t follow them
but i'll be at the b0ttom to catch them"

"Don't walk in fr0nt of me, I may n0t f0llow,
Don't walk behind me, I may n0t lead,
But walk beside me and just be my friend"

"A friend is the one wh0 c0mes in when the reSt of the w0rld c0mes 0ut"

"A true friend reaches f0r ur hand and t0uches ur heart"

A friend can tell u things u don't want to tell urself"


  1. "A friend is the one wh0 c0mes in when the reSt of the w0rld c0mes 0ut"
    erm..mmg menarik quote ni...tp kadang2 kita tak jd macam tu..kita dalam masa yg sama tetap akan blame member kita jugak, sbb kita tak pernah paham pe yg die rasa...tak smestinyer paham sumernyer, at least cuba untuk memahami maybe dah cukup untuk member kita tu..jgn biar tmpt kita sebagai "kwn" tu diambil alih oleh org lain..dan jgn pernah berharap utk bnd tu akan berulang kembali...

  2. hm..kwn xsemestinye bekking kwn..sorg kwn yg baek akan tegor kwn die bile kwn die wat slh, bkn mnyokong sbb in d future akn ade kesan atas stiap pbuatan yg kwn die wat tuu..kwn akan syg kt kwn die tu sbb tu die xmo kwn die mnyesal di kemudian ari...kt dunia ni de hukum karma, sbb tu sorg kwn sgt riso ttg kwn die tuu..papepon tpulang la kt kwn tu nak dnga atau takk...tu jerkk

  3. share my dream and laughter, haha
